How to work with Global Custom Help URL & Table Help URL?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement provides you with two options when it comes to help features. However you can enable and use one of the feature at a time. These features are:

  1. Custom help for customizable entities
  2. Custom help panes (read more)


The following section focuses on how you can use Global Help URL along with Table Help URL for custom help in Dynamics 365.


Default Setting

When an environment is provisioned, global help URL or custom help panes and guided task feature is not enabled, i.e. When you open a form and click on the help icon in nav bar, it takes you to Microsoft Learn documentation.

Enable Help Feature

Perform the following steps:

  • Log into Power Platform admin center
  • Select relevant environment and click Settings
  • Click Product > Features
  • Under Help features, enable custom help for customizable entities


Custom Help for Customizable Entities

If this option is enabled:

  • Enable Custom Help Panes option will be disabled.
  • You would need to provide a Global custom help URL. This will be the default URL when you click on the help icon in nav bar (if entity specific help URL is not provided).

Note: In this example I have used my website to be set as default global URL for demonstration, you can use your organization specific URL.




In the following example, we have provided my website URL i.e., 365proz as global custom help URL.

Now, when we open any table form (say Case form) and click on Help, it will open the global URL that we have set.


Table Level Help URL

With the table help URL, we can configure different URL for different tables, by editing the properties on table level. In the following example we have provided URL specific to one of my blog page that describes Case Creation.

Note: In this example I have used my blog to be set as table level URL for demonstration, you can use your organization specific URL.



Open a Case record and click on the help icon, you will notice that it opens specific blog page, as we specified for Case table.


Note: If you have not setup table specific for other entities, then the global URL will open when you click on help icon.


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